Manja Ristić: Govorica psihe – aktivno poslušanje ….
Manja Ristić: Govorica psihe – aktivno poslušanje in zvočna improvizacija v novomedijskih umetnostih
brezplačna delavnica za uveljavljajoče novomedijske umetnike z zanimanjem v polju zvočne umetnosti (max 8 oseb)
nedelja 15.3.2020 od 10’00 do 14’00, Ljubljana
22.3. – 2.4.2020 prestavljeno on_Line za prijavljene udeležence
ponedeljek 16.3.2020, Novo mesto – odpovedano
udeleženci se morajo prijaviti s prijavnico (Application)
delavnica je brezplačna, del projekta KONS
jezik: angleščina/srbščina
udeleženci prinesejo svojo tehnično opremo/inštumente
Uvodoma bosta obravnavani nosilni temi delavnice. To sta sodobna fizikalnost zvoka ter prenos fiziologije poslušanja s poudarkom na raziskovanju zvočne slike, bioakustike, okoljskih zvokov ter sonifikacije (obdelani, post-digitalni in električni zvoki, elektro-magnetno omrežje, zvočni predmeti). Na praktičnem delu bodo udeleženke_ci spoznale_i metode intuitivnega strukturiranja zvoka in neposrednega odziva nanj. Delavnica se bo zaključila s kolektivnim aktom improviziranjega ustvarjanja.
Manja Ristić je vsestranska umetnica, raziskovalka in kuratorica. Njene z zvokom povezane raziskave se poleg sodobnega performansa v polju instrumentalne elektroakustične glasbe osredotočajo predvsem na interdisciplinarni pristop k zvočni umetnosti, terenski posnetkom in eksperimentalnim radijskim umetnostim.
Podrobnejši opis delavnice v angleščini:
Workshop is consist of a short introduction in the form of an open discussion and experience exchange (20 min), short listening session (20 min), and practical (2’30 hours) – guided collaborative art creation with exercises. It is designed for intermedia students with strong interest in sound, sound practitioners (undergraduate, master studies), emarging intermedia artists and composers with strong interest in improvisation.
Short introduction will discuss and give references around two main topics: the contemporary physics of sound (perceived in both digital and environmental surrounding), and transposition of physiology of listening (emphasizing the diversity in living soundscape, bioacoustics, environmental sound) and non-living (processed, post-digital, electric and electro-magnetic grid, sound objects) sources of sound) onto construct of communication in improvisational sound practice.
Aim of the workshop is:
– to sensitize students toward more attentive listening
– to present them accurate sound discrimination techniques (dynamics of a soundscape auralization and spectrum)
– to encourage sound creation with diverse inter-media inputs
– to encourage creative exploration through improvisational “gestures” attentive toward immediate soundscape to emphasize distinction between inimitable sound creation and a sound aesthetization
For every performer it is important to understand the overall bodily experience of listening in a complex post-digital surrounding.
The workshop is emphasizing the roll of multi-sensory perception within the conception of an active listening . It proposes ideas on how to look closer into our sensory and perceptional capabilities, in order to support creative cognitive dynamics, within the framework of an improvisational inter-media sound practice and soundscape composition.
Questions that the workshop will also refer to:
How do we use sound (and sound structures in musical expressiveness) to communicate complex psychological content?
What are the tools that we use to maintain dynamic communication in an act of improvisation?
How do we relate to the space in which our sound creation is happening?
In practical session students will learn about intuitive structuring and direct response methods. Practical session will conclude in a collective act of creating – in the format of an improvisational inter-media ensemble.
Application for Novo Mesto send to:
Application for Ljubljana send to: