Galerija za zvok, bioakustiko in umetnost / Gallery for sound, bioacustics and art

Alisa Oleva: Listening In / Listening Out

Urban sound walk, sound mapping
Friday, 16. 9. 2022, at 16:00
Gathering point: Cukrarna
Registration required:
Duration: 1 h

Photo: Alisa OLEVA, CONA archive.

The sound walk focuses on monitoring our sensory perceptions and their interconnection, dependence, and correlation between individual’s inner self and outer environment. The search for rituals in the process of self-perception and perception of the environment free of learned, socially acceptable behavior follows the intuitive perception of the inner and the outer self of each being.

What if you hear less? What if you listen to your internal sounds? What if the city feels further away? What if you close your eyes? This walking and listening experience in two parts will allow us to tune in to different ways of listening to the world around us, establishing connections and relations with the environment outside. We will map and discuss the walk at the end.

Alisa OLEVA (UK) treats the city as her studio and urban life as material, to consider issues of urban choreography and urban archeology, traces and surfaces, borders and inventories, intervals and silences, passages and cracks. Her projects have manifested as a series of interactive situations, performances, movements scores, personal and intimate encounters, parkour, walkshops, and audio walks.

Advice: Dress according as the walk will go ahead in any weather.
