Galerija za zvok, bioakustiko in umetnost / Gallery for sound, bioacustics and art

Alisa Oleva: Listening for Change

Urban sound walk
Thursday, 15. 9. 2022, at 17:30
Gathering point: Cukrarna (the sound walk will be performed even in case of rain)
Registration required:
Duration: 1 h

Photo: Matej TOMAŽIN, CONA archive.

The archaeology and choreography of Alisa Oleva’s urban sound studio are composed of surfaces, traces, borders, intervals, silences, passages, and fissures. Through sound walks, a form of artistic expression and simultaneously a creative method of exploring contemporary social realities, she motivates listeners, visitors, and rhythmic movers to reconsider the relation to the urban, the treatment of disappearing nature, and the role of the individual and society in the process of the senses’ purification. The foundations of her creative efforts are the ability to think and create conditions of renaturalization and the development of sound walking as a ritual.

This is an invitation to walk together as a group through the streets of Ljubljana, focusing our attention on the soundscapes, on sounds present and absent. We will start with a collective tuning-in exercise and then set off on a walk in silence as a group, following the route I prepared, focusing our attention on listening. The walk will be followed by a discussion.

Alisa OLEVA (UK) treats the city as her studio and urban life as material, to consider issues of urban choreography and urban archeology, traces and surfaces, borders and inventories, intervals and silences, passages and cracks. Her projects have manifested as a series of interactive situations, performances, movements scores, personal and intimate encounters, parkour, walkshops, and audio walks.

Advice: Dress accordingly as the walk will go ahead in any weather.
