Galerija za zvok, bioakustiko in umetnost / Gallery for sound, bioacustics and art

Anne Cecilie Lie: (dis)solutions II

Artist in Residence
work on the 8-channel sound composition (dis)solutions II
Time: 30. 6.-10. 7. 2021
Location: Notam‘s spatial audio studio in Oslo and on-line
part of the Acoustic Commons

Photo: Claudia Lucacel

During the residency artist Anne Cecilie Lie is creating an 8-channel sound composition (dis)solutions II, commissioned by the Cona Institute for the Steklenik Gallery. The work will be premiered in September 2021. During their residency, the artist is working in Notam’s (Norwegian centre for technology, art and music) spatial audio studio, with a 24 speaker-set up. Their working space also includes the city of Oslo, their studio, the forest, the trams and, as they wrote, “everything in between”.

Artist’s words about the creative process:

“For the sound composition for Steklenik Gallery, I am expanding upon (dis)solutions II: a geo-locative soundwalk following Oslo’s mesh of underground sewer systems, which reflects on proximity between bodies through water and other entities. For my site-specific soundwalks I start by spending extended periods in the selected area. I listen, record, speak with people living and working there, usually also mapping the area in collaboration with locals, historians, biologists, geologists, zoologists, anthropologists and others. The finished works often include field recordings, interviews and texts. An app allows me to carefully place sounds at specific locations in the landscape. The sounds seep into each other, but the timing and order are affected by the pace and route of the listener. For Steklenik, my challenge is to turn this format into a fixed composition. My work is often very long-durational, so another exciting question is how to condense this experience for Steklenik. As well as how to transpose the composition from Oslo to Ljubljana without working on site. However, the theme of the work is universal, as we are all connected through water, tectonic plates, particles and waves even far apart. So, thinking through this, I am connected to Ljublana too.”

Anne Cecilie Lie is an artist and scenographer based in Oslo, Norway. They’re working with sound, sculpture, bio-art, installations, video, text. Most often in collaboration with others in the creative field and within fields of scientific research, with educational institutions and local communities.

The artistic residency of Anne Cecilie Lie takes place under the auspices of the international project Acoustic Commons, funded by the European Union, the Creative Europe program and the Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.

